Job Boards for STEM Degrees
If your background is in a STEM field, the following online resources might be helpful as you search for open positions:
- (sponsored by the American Mathematical Society)
- The National Academies
- Nature Careers
- Cheeky Scientist Association (job search training platform for helping PhDs get hired into industry careers, and PhD-only job referral network)
- Physics Today Jobs
- Science Careers (sponsored by the American Association for the Advancement of Science)
- BioSpace
- Chemistry World
- NewScientist
- Labhoo (global directory of life science companies)
Government Jobs
If you are interested in a position at a government agency, the best place to search is USAJobs, which aggregates job listings for nearly all federal service agencies. Agencies of particular interest to STEM students may include:
- Department of Agriculture
- Department of Energy
- Environmental Protection Agency
- Fish & Wildlife Service
- Food & Drug Administration
- National Institutes of Health
- National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration
- National Park Service
- National Science Foundation
Core Facility Jobs
If you are interested in a position at a core facility, you may need to search for open positions through an affiliate organization. For example, the following core facility associations have active job boards:
- Association of Biomolecular Resource Facilities
- Canadian Cytometry & Microscopy Association
- US National Laboratories
Writing/Communications Jobs
If you are interested in a position in science writing or science communication, the following resources may be helpful in job searching and/or freelancing:
- National Association of Science Writers
- Society of Environmental Journalists
- Council of Science Editors
- World Federation of Science Journalists (65 member societies)
- American Medical Writers Association (Freelance directory and Job board
- Association of Health Care Journalists (Job board and Freelance center)
- European Medical Writers Association
- Medical Science Liaison Society
- SciComm Board
Nonprofit Jobs
If you are interested in a position at a scientific nonprofit, the following organizations may be of interest:
- Marine Biological Laboratory (affiliated with the University of Chicago, but based in MA)
- Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (NY)
- The Jackson Laboratory (CT & ME)
- American Cancer Society
- American Heart Association
- Howard Hughes Medical Institute
- Simons Foundation (research in mathematics, physics, and life sciences)
- American Public Gardens Association (>900 botanical gardens, arboretums, horticultural societies, etc. around the world)
- Association of Zoos & Aquariums (240 facilities)
- Association of Science & Technology Centers (>500 member organizations; jobs in science engagement)
- Natural Resources Defense Council
- American Association of Museums (>9000 institutions globally)
- Smithsonian Institute