Resources for Students › STEM Career Portal › Earth and Environmental Sciences
Professional Societies & Resources
Geological Society of America
- Scientific Divisions
Including continental drilling, energy geology, geoarchaeology, geochronology, geoinformatics, hydrogeology, mineralogy/volcanology, planetary geology, sedimentary geology, soil processes, structural geology & tectonics - GSA International
Career Resources
- Job board
- Webinars & career profiles
Including topics such as exploring a career in the environmental industry, working in the federal government, and many more. - Internships (Science Communication, Congressional Science, Science Policy)
- Science policy
- Events calendar
Professional Development
- Professional development resources
- Mentoring programs
At the annual meeting (GeoCareers Center, resume mentor, networking mentor, career panels), at section meetings (workshops, subfield-specific mentor programs), and articles on mentoring best practices - Grants and funding
- Field experiences
- Educator resources
- Geofacets
An extensive database of georeferenced geological maps
American Meteorological Society
Career Resources
- Job board
Searchable by job function (consultant, meteorologist, atmospheric scientist, etc.) & state - National Weather Association job board
- National Weather Service job board(via USAJobs)
- Internship board
- Careers in meteorology
Includes information on different meteorology fields (e.g., weather forecasting & warnings, atmospheric research, information services, broadcast meteorology), places (e.g., universities, private companies, government), and stats on job outlooks - Career profiles
- Career guides
Containing information on NWS requirements, NOAA careers, private sector careers, for minorities & women, computer programming, professional writing, etc. - Events calendar
- Public policy
Professional Development
- Early Career Leadership Academy
- Professional Certification programs
Certified Consulting Meteorologist, Certified Broadcast Meteorologist, Certified AMS Teacher Program - Webinars
Examples include ‘Ethics in professional meteorology’, ‘Inside climate models’, ‘Weather, renewables, & the electric grid’, etc. - Undergraduate teaching materials
For ocean studies, climate studies, weather studies, climate change - Mentoring resources
The Geological Society
Career Resources
- Job board
- Career pathways
Profiles and guides on research, teaching, communications, mining & quarrying, energy, engineering geology, hydrogeology, natural hazards, sustainable development, outreach & policy - Downloadable career pathways guides
Each guide gives sample positions, requirements, application processes, job outlooks, etc.
Professional Development
- Lifelong learning
- Events calendar
- Education resources
Topics include rocks & fossils, geological time, volcanoes, earthquakes, flooding, minerals, water, and energy - Geological Society STEM ambassadors
- Grants and funding
- Specialist groups (23)
- Virtual Library
Including the Lyell Collection of online Geological Society publications - Geoscientist (magazine)
International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences
- International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics
- Associations:
International Association of Cryospheric Sciences, International Association of Geodesy, International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, International Association of Hydrological Sciences, International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences, International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Oceans, International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth’s Interior, International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth’s Interior - Events calendar
- Research programs
- Grants and funding
- Related organizations
Association for Environmental Studies & Sciences
- Job board
- Syllabus databank
Including teaching materials, reading lists, class activities, etc. - Journals databank
600+ journals with information on publication schedules & guidelines - Mentoring series
National Association of Environmental Professionals
- Job board
Can search by industry and location - Academy of Board Certified Environmental Professionals job board
- Best Practice Principles for Environmental Assessments
- Events calendar