Getting on the Tenure Track (feat. Allison Guess, Michèle Duguay, and Agustina Checa)

Alumni Aloud Episode 94

This is a special edition of Alumni Aloud. This conversation was recorded in May 2023 as part of a virtual panel event. Our three panelists—Allison Guess (PhD Earth and Environmental Sciences (Human Geography), Michèle Duguay (PhD Music Theory), and Agustina Checa (PhD Ethnomusicology) are alumni of the Graduate Center. At the time of this recording, Allison Assistant Professor of Africana Studies at Williams College. Michèle Duguay was Assistant Professor of Music (Music Theory) at Indiana University Bloomington. Agustina Checa was Assistant Professor in the Department of Music, Multimedia, Theatre & Dance at Lehman College, CUNY.

In this episode of Alumni Aloud, the panelists share their experiences from the tenure track world. They discuss the job search and interview process, adjusting in your first year, and how to leverage the skills Grad Center students bring as candidates.

This episode’s interview was conducted by John Popham, Misty Crooks, and Jack Devine. The music is “Corporate (Success)” by Scott Holmes.

